Sascha has been celebrated for his debut at Tonhalle Düsseldorf

…”Musiker der sensibelsten Art. Sascha El Mouissi entlockt dem Flügel zarteste Farben, seine Vor- und Nachspiele prickeln vor Spannung, sein Begleiten ist ungemein sensibel und impulsiv.”

..."musician of the most sensitive kind. Sascha El Mouissi elicits the piano's most subtle colors, his preludes and postludes tingle with excitement, his accompaniment is extremely sensitive and impulsive. "

- Rheinische Post 2019


Live @ Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg, großer Saal

Some highlights of 2023 are recitals at the Teatro Colón Bueons Aires and the Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg


You are welcome to contact Sascha El Mouissi. Please contact his management for general inquiries:


Please send personal inquiries to s.elmouissi(at)